13. svi 2012.


Dandelion ( Teraxacum officinale) is a small plant with lovely yellow flowers. Grows everywhere.


        It is very good for liver, bile, kidneys and the whole organism. Dandelion purifies blood, lowers blood cholesterol, eliminates toxins.

Helps with metabolic disorder, rheumatism, chronic spleen diseases, digestion. It's good against blood thickening, reduces kidney stones and gallstones. It is also good for dermatitis, vericose veins, obesity, constipation, anemia and cellulite.

The whole plant is used for healing.

 Leaves can be eaten raw as a salad, or cooked ( in water, just for a few minutes) and seasoned with some lemon juice and olive oil .The whole plant can  also be used for a salad.

The best time for picking leaves is early in the spring, before blooming, while they are young and gentle. For therapeutic purposes it's not important if the leaves are young or old, but younger have better taste.

You can also make tea from fresh or dried leaves.

You can eat rowe stems in case of chronic liver diseases, diabetes, rash, stomach problems, methabolism, rheumatism, spleen.
Gather the stems while the plant is in bloom. Pick it together with the flower, wash it, remove the flower and eat the stem. For chronic liver diseases eat 5-6 fresh stems a day. In case of diabetes, eat to 10 stems a day.

Roots are gathered in spring and in the autumn. They can be used fresh or dried for tea. Roots purify blood, help digestion, work against blood thickening.


Two ways of making the tea from dandelion roots

1. In ¼ l of cold water put 1 teaspoon of roots and leave it during the night. Next day warm it till it boiles and then strain . Drink the half, sip by sip, half an hour before breakfast. Drink the rest, sip by sip half an hour after the breakfast.

2. Two tablespoons of roots cook in ½ l of water for 10 minutes. Than leave it at least for an hour, strain it and drink one cup before every meal.