Rosemary is an old folk medicine for improving memory. It is used for curing vertigo, cough and illness of respiratory tract. Rosemary can help deactivate cancerougenus. It stimulates passing of urine and blood flow, and is used for water illness, rheumatism, giht and inflamed joints.
Stimulates releasing bile, becouse of this digestion and bowel emptying is easier.
Rosemary acts soothing, its characteristic sent is relaxing and is used for good mood.
As a part of an old tradition in some countries, like Croatia, rosemary stems with little ribbons on them are put on wedding guests as a decoration, what means that they are part of the wedding group.Guests can sense its lovely aroma and I am sure that it puts them in a good mood, at least it is one way of achieving good mood.
Can be used if someone is feeling weak, tired and stressed after hard work or exercize.
Also rosemary is a good tonic for all skin types, especially for dehydrated, aged or unpure skin.
Rosemary is often used in cooking, I like it especially with fish.
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