30. ruj 2010.

Cure for headache - wormwood

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is a proven cure for headache, located on a forehead. Every headache has a reason, something unbalanced in the body that is shown as a  headache. Headache located on the forehead comes from the stomach, instead of a stomach-ache you get a headache.
Wormwood is a herb good for stomach and digestion, has a bitter taste witch is also good for the stomach.

A person I know had headaches (on the forehead) often, doctors couldn't help her, they just gave her pain medication. Because the problem was in the stomach medication made it worse. More she took medication her stomach was more unbalanced, her headaches become everyday thing, and started in the morning.
She never had stomach-aches only headache. Allopathic medicine couldn't find anything wrong with her, all the testes were ok, and her doctor told her that she will have headache all of her life.

A friend gave her a book of one herbalist in witch she find that wormwood is good for the stomach.
After drinking wormwood tea her headaches stopped, she was cured. Now she very rarely has headaches, and can not belive she had such strong and long, everyday headache. Others took her advice, and cured their headaches too.

To make tea take a pinch of dry wormwood, put in a strainer, dip the strainer shortly about 3 seconds in a cup of boiling water. The longer you hold the strainer diped in, tea will be stronger, more bitter, be careful not to overdue.
Tea can be drinked sip by sip ( take a sip every 15-30 minutes ) or a whole cup at the same time. Some even drink it with honey (dependes on your taste) .

If you often have headaches drink the tea for some time (few days or longer) so your stomach will come into balance. One cup can clear your headache if your problems are lighter. After you cure your headache you don't have to drink wormwood tea constantly, but drinking the tea from time to time is good for keeping balance. Or you can use it if necessary.
Wormwood can cure headache for good, so your headache will be just a memory.
Person who has gastric ulcer or has a problem with bleeding should not use wormwood tea.

29. ruj 2010.

Cure for every disease - Urinetherapy (part 2)


    To start with urinetherapy you need to give up alcohol, cigarettes, medications, drugs and start to eat vegetarian food( also should avoid: white flour, fried food, too much spice or solt, white sugar, vegetable fat).
    Warning   Sometimes when combined with allopathic medicine urinetherapy can induce complications, but it goes well with homeopathy and ayurveda.
    People with heart disease or diabetes can not suddenly stop with their medications, but they can drink it together with urine. If they feel that therapy is working they can gradually reduce their dosages. In that way it is possible to get rid of all medications in few months.

Trouble with drinking

    If you have trouble with drinking urine because of it's bad taste or smell, try to eat simple, not spicy or hot food, milk and fruit. That will purify the colour, smell and taste of urine, and it will become almost like water. In the begining you can add to urine the same amount of water, witch will decrease bad taste. If you still can drink urine, mix it with water solution of honey or syrup, for few days, until you get used to drinking pure urine.

For prevention

    To stay healthy, full of energy, beautiful and to stop infectious diseases drink urine 1-2 times a day, 1 glass (2-2,5 dl).
    Always drink fresh urine.
        To children give 2-10 tablespoons of urine, accordingly to their age.

For acute diseases (flu, cold, fever, etc.)

        First step is to take 1l of enema, made of urine and warm water mixed in the same amount ( can use fresh urine and even old or from someone else).
        That will clear the intestines and bring momentarily relief of symptoms.
        Second is to fast, from 1-3 days. During that time don't eat or drink anything except water ( 8-10 glasses) and all the urine. You can end fast with fruit juice and/or with green soya water. After one or two days you can start with normal, light diet.
        People who are not able to fast and/or to take enema need to drink 2-2,5 dl of urine 3-4 times a day.

For chronic diseases ( cancer, asthma, arthritis etc.)

        Procedure is similar. First take 1l of enema (made of urine and warm water mixed in the same amount), every day during the first week, after 2-3 times a week. Enema should be taken after the morning stool, in case of constipation it should be taken early in the morning before the stool.
        Second step is a strict fast, from 3 to 30 days, depends how severe the disease is and the condicion of a person. During that time don't eat or drink anything except water (8-10 glasses) and all of the daily urine (night urine should be kept for massage).
        If the person is to weak to fast it can stay on liquid diet ( fruit juice, soup, green soya water, vegetable juice, cooconut water, etc.) and drink all of the urine.
        People with heart disease, diabetes and all who have acidity problems don't need to fast. They should take liquid diet, the rest is same.

        During long fast shivambu massage is absolutely necessary. For that purpose it is used old urine. Take seven bottles (0,5l) and mark them with numbers from 1 to 7. First day collect urine in to a bottle with number 1 and use it 7th day. Second day in to a bottle with number 2, etc. While you don't have old urine you can use new.

Shivambu massage is a massage of a whole body, it eliminates toxins. Warm urine before massage ( live it in the sun or keep it in a hot water ). Start from the head and continue to  the feat, apply gentile pressure. Give every part of the body enough attention. That how the massage will last longer than one hour.
        Do it once a day, twice is even better. After, person should sit outside or in the sun for 15 to 20 min. Than you can have a bath with warm water without soap, instead you can use clay or some flour.      .

        For cureing toothache, rinse mouth with fresh urine for 10-15 minutes. For strong teeth, rinse mouth with fresh urine for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a day throught one week, this can also be used for  other dental problems.

        For chronic skin diseases, like psoriasis, herpes, skin cancer, etc. it is necessary a strict diet, without solt, hot or spicy food for 3-4 months. Eat raw food, like: salad, fruit, vegetables, dates, raisins (which are eaten mixed after they've been soaked throught the night), vegetable soup, etc.
        Drink all of the urine, take an enema and twice a day gently massage the whole body, with old urine. Do that 2-4 months. Old urine is 100 times effective than the fresh one for the skin problems.

Possible reaction

        In rare cases people start to cough, get golds, vomit, have troubles with movement, get rash. Don't be afraid because this reaction shows that the body is eliminating toxins. Don't need to take any medication to eliminate this symptoms. If a problem is on the skin, like rash or something else, soak the bandage in old urine or new and put it on the skin.

        If you want more information read the book „Shivambu Gita“ by G.K.Thakkar ( you can download it for free ).  

28. ruj 2010.

Cure for every disease - Urinetherapy

        Would you like to rejuvenate yourself, erase wrinkles or cure diseases like: AIDS, arthritis, asthma, cancer, cold, cough, diabetes, digestion problems, eczema, fever(all types, like malaria, typhus), flu, heart diseases, hemorrhoids, herpes, kidney diseases, paralysis, psoriasis, etc.
        Sure, you would. But how? It is really simple. By useing your own urine. Most people have problem with that, because they think of urine as a filthy, poissenes and disgusting body waste. You are probably one of them. I was too. Don't let your prejudice stop you in taking full advantage of this natural cure. Read this and maybe you'll change your opinion, and start to think of urine as an elixir.
        There are many scientific evidence that urine contains important nourishing supstances, like: enzymes,
                                          amino acids,
                                          antibodies, etc.
        When used again they behave like natural vaccine, antibiotics, anti-cancerous agents. They restore hormonal balance and work against various allergies. It is estimated that urine contains thousands of biochemical supstances, only 200 are studied by now.
        Urine eliminates toxins from the body, regenerates and rebuilds old and even dead tissues.

        This method of healing is called urinetherapy. It's origin is in India, where it's been used for 5000 years.
        Urinetherapy or „Shivambu Kalp“ is part of Tantra Yoga, where it is mentioned as amroli( comes from AMAR what means immortality, it doesn't mean that person will live for ever, it means that it will have a healthy life). Amroli is more spiritually training than the way of healing. It is an elixir for the body, mind and soul.
        In ayurveda urine is mentioned as a killer of all poisons, one who rejuvenates, purifies blood and cures all skin diseases.
        This method was even known in western world, in books like „Solomons English Phisician“, published in 1695. and „One Thousand Notable Things“, published in the begining of 19th century in England, Scotland and Ireland.

        Urine is also used for:
-         cureing toothache and other dental problems,
-         good complexion,
-         clearing acnes,
-         sinus problems,
-         cureing burns, wounds, swellings,
-         scorpion and snake bites,
-         skin diseases and infections,
-         insect bites,
-         menstrual problems,
-         as an atiseptic lotion, hair regenerator, aftershave,
-         eye diseases,
-         rheumatic and muscular pain, etc.

For the instruction how to use urinetherapy read part 2.

20. ruj 2010.

Herbal medicine - sage

        Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a herb used as a remedy since ancient times, it growes 30-70 cm high, has purple flowers and greyish-green leaves. Name salvia in latin means that it saves, cures.
        Often sage is used in cooking meals adding flavour to meat, pasta, etc.

        As a remedy it is used to purify blood, and so gives strength to the whole body. Some say if you drink sage tea every day that than is very hard to get sick. Drinking sage tea several times a day can prevent stroke, is good for cramps ( menstrual), it clears respiratory organs and stomach from mucus, is good for digestion, appetite, diarrhoea.
        Has a good affect on liver and problems relating to it. It is used for diseases of spinal cerebral, gland problems and trembling limbs.
        Fresh leaves can be put on insect bites to relese pain or iching.

        I found it very good for tooth ache and other dental problems. For this take some tea in your mouth and hold it in for a while then spit and repeat at least once more. After few hours you can repeat this process if necessary. In some cases this helps almost instantly.
It is also good for sore throat drinking it or rinsing  the throat and then spiting.

Making sage tea

To make tea in one cup (2dl) of boiled water put one teaspoon of dry sage, stir and leave it covered for 2 minutes, or half a minute if you are using fresh leaves, than strain it.

For some diseases one needs to drink tea several times a day for some period of time to see a result, sometimes sip by sip. Drinking tea sip by sip means that you make tea,  then drink a sip and after some time ( 15-30 minutes, or so) take another, and repeat this until you run out of tea. This can be done with one cup of tea or more (2-4 cups) depending on the disease for witch you are drinking it.
It is best to drink fresh tea, not to hot and not to „old“.

Herbs are an excelent way to give strength to your body and mind they cure some diseases and with others they reduce the symptoms. Take this gift of nature because of it chemical content, or a godsent, or looking at everything as one; what ever of this reasons are valid to you.

12. ruj 2010.

Lose weight breathing

This is a simple „method“ I have used few years ago, and recently started again. If you are not breathing properly no diet or exercize can be fully functional. The toxins built up in your blood and couse all sorts of bad things.

Learn how to breath and relax. Breath in and keep the air in for at least 2 seconds, this will increase the production of the hormon for good mood. Breath out slowly ( 5 to 7 seconds) while masageing your belly (clockwise). And in just few days you can lose few pounds ( kilos). You will feel better and your digestion will improve.

You can do this several times a day, when ever you remember.

This is also a usefull exercize. Sit up straight and cross your legs, breathe in and increase your belly, hold the air in for a few seconds and breathe out slowly ( counting to 5 or more) pulling the belly in.

Repeat it 5 times, at least 5 times a day or more when ever you remember. Your muscules will seam like you had a good training.

This can be combined with something else that you like, exercize or a diet but does not have to.

It does not cost a thing, just remember to do it.