24. velj 2011.

Positive effects of coffee

Coffee is always  good reason to get together with friends and have fun. If you are drinking it  alone it can be a form of meditation. With someone or alone it is nice to sit somewhere and slowly drink warm cup of coffee, specially if you eat chocolate or some cake with it.

         About coffee tree

Coffee tree is a small evergreen tree (2-3 m), that growes in Africa and South America. Fruits of coffee tree are green in the beginning and red when they are ripe. Each fruit has two seeds (coffee beans), from which the coffee is made.

Positive effects of coffee

 This positive effects are from coffee made from coffee beans, not instant or coffee without caffeine.
Also don't drink to much, one or two cups a day are enough.

Positive effects of coffee are:
-         increases the depth and frequency of breathing (which improves the supply of oxygen to the blood and tissues),
-         increases the blood pressure,
-         improves intestinal muscular contraction,
-         enhances the intellect, imagination and the ability of verbal expression,
-         works positive in case of alcohol or drug poisoning,
-         strengthens the heart,
-         increases muscle resistance towards the fatigue,
-         caffeine works as an analgesic.


People with: high blood pressure, heart problems, gout, gastritis or gastroduodenal ulcer, pain in joints and muscles should be careful with drinking coffee.

Coffee dehydrates the body, so remember to drink more water.

Large amounts of coffee can induce chronic intoxication. Symptoms of intoxication are: insomnia, night mares, hand tremor, respiratory problems, lose of appetite, losing weight, tachycardia.

All of this symptoms disappear when we stop drinking too much coffee.

1 komentar:

  1. It's good to know that if the coffee is taken moderately, it can surely benefits the body.
