17. pro 2010.

Making tincture

About ingrediens

Making the tincture is really easy. All you need is a little bit of alcohol and herbs. Making it can actually be fun, specially if you drink some of that alcohol (ha-ha).
Alcohol should be about 40%. It can be made from grain or fruit. I use alcohol made from plums, called šljivovica or rakija. Taste is fenomenal with the lovely burning sensation.

Finding herbs

Finding fresh herbs can be a little bit harder. Some of them like rosemary, thyme, marigold, etc. can be bought fresh. A lot of people have them in their garden or in pots. But some less known herbs you need to find it yourself. There are lot's of informations in the books or on the internet about herbs. My advice is to study them if you want to pick herbs. Study their characteristics and photos or ask someone who knows them, see my post Rules for gathering herbs.

When I begin with gathering herbs they all looked a like, I was afraid that I will make mistake and pick the wrong one, after a while I've learned to differentiate. It is not  mistake to picke the wrong herb, but it is a mistake to use it. Always check twice if you are not sure.
My mom thought me how to picke them and what they look like. She learned almost everything from books.

This is the beauty of working with herbs, you can do it yourself. All you need is some patience and a bit of courage.

Making  tincture

To make the tincture first cut herbs into smaller pieces, then put them in a glass jar or bottle (or something else). I prefer jars because it is easier to put herbs in it and to get them out.

You need plain jar one that has maybe left from mayonnaise or jam (that is recycleing on the spot). It is only important that the jar has a good lid.

While you are puting herbs in a jar don't press them. Then pour alcohol over so that it covers the herbs. Close the lid and put the jar on the place where it is sunny most of the day, or near some heat source. Shake it from time to time. Strain it after 14 days or more (see for each herb).

Tincture can be strained with the strainer or the strainer and some cloth (like linen). Squeeze herbs with hands to get all the alcohol out. Pour the liquid in to bottles. Ideal would be dark glass bottles, if you don't have them plain will do or even plastic (it is better to avoid plastic). I use dark bottles that have left from bought tinctures.

Final touch

Final touch is to write names of the tinctures on the bottles or put some labels on it. This is important because it will be easier to see the difference, so you don't need to open each bottle and smell it to find the one you need. I know this from personal experience.

It is best to keep the tinctures in a dark place.

Useing the tinctures

Some tinctures are only used externally for compress or massage and some can also be used for drinking, usually disolved in water or tea.

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