28. pro 2010.

Making herbal tea

Even though making tea is easy and everybody knows it I wanted to write something about it because there are some rules which maybe important but they don't need to be strictly followed.

Proper way to make tea
Proper way to make a tea would be to heat the water (in tea pot, some other pot, etc.) until it boiles. Meanwhile put the herbs in something made from china or glass. When the water boiles, pour it over the herbs, stir with a spoon and cover. Water can be heated in metal pots, but tea shouldn't be made in it. I don't know way.

This is good but doing so you'll have a lot of dishes to wash and that can be irritating if you often make tea.

My way of making tea
I put water to boil in a small metal pot. When  it boiles I remove it from fire, add herbs in it, stir it and cover with small plate. I don't wash my tea making equipment every time I make tea, I just rinse it with water and leave it for next time.
Sometimes I think that I should make tea in ceramic pot, but I never do.

Cover and strain
How ever you make your tea, it is important to cover it.
I strain my tea after 2 min if the herb is dry and if it's fresh after 30 seconds. That is a recepie from Maria Treben. Some people leave it for 5, 10 or 15 minutes. That is also good. Hip tea and lime have better taste if they are strained after 10-15 min.

21. pro 2010.

Latin names of herbs

To know latin name of the herb helps in finding the herb you are looking for. Herbs have many different names so that sometimes can be confusing to find the right herb, buy it or read about it.
         For example you are looking for birdweed and can't find it because in the book you are looking in birdweed isn't mentioned or it is mentioned as one of the names of Common Knotgrass. But if you are looking for birdweed (Polygonum aviculare) this will narrow down your search and help you find just the herb you are looking for.

         It is not necessary to learn this names by heart, just compare them on packages, books or web. That way you can be sure you are reading about or buying the right herb.

         If you are not familiar with latin names they are the ones after the name of the herb in brackets for example:

17. pro 2010.

Making tincture

About ingrediens

Making the tincture is really easy. All you need is a little bit of alcohol and herbs. Making it can actually be fun, specially if you drink some of that alcohol (ha-ha).
Alcohol should be about 40%. It can be made from grain or fruit. I use alcohol made from plums, called šljivovica or rakija. Taste is fenomenal with the lovely burning sensation.

Finding herbs

Finding fresh herbs can be a little bit harder. Some of them like rosemary, thyme, marigold, etc. can be bought fresh. A lot of people have them in their garden or in pots. But some less known herbs you need to find it yourself. There are lot's of informations in the books or on the internet about herbs. My advice is to study them if you want to pick herbs. Study their characteristics and photos or ask someone who knows them, see my post Rules for gathering herbs.

When I begin with gathering herbs they all looked a like, I was afraid that I will make mistake and pick the wrong one, after a while I've learned to differentiate. It is not  mistake to picke the wrong herb, but it is a mistake to use it. Always check twice if you are not sure.
My mom thought me how to picke them and what they look like. She learned almost everything from books.

This is the beauty of working with herbs, you can do it yourself. All you need is some patience and a bit of courage.

Making  tincture

To make the tincture first cut herbs into smaller pieces, then put them in a glass jar or bottle (or something else). I prefer jars because it is easier to put herbs in it and to get them out.

You need plain jar one that has maybe left from mayonnaise or jam (that is recycleing on the spot). It is only important that the jar has a good lid.

While you are puting herbs in a jar don't press them. Then pour alcohol over so that it covers the herbs. Close the lid and put the jar on the place where it is sunny most of the day, or near some heat source. Shake it from time to time. Strain it after 14 days or more (see for each herb).

Tincture can be strained with the strainer or the strainer and some cloth (like linen). Squeeze herbs with hands to get all the alcohol out. Pour the liquid in to bottles. Ideal would be dark glass bottles, if you don't have them plain will do or even plastic (it is better to avoid plastic). I use dark bottles that have left from bought tinctures.

Final touch

Final touch is to write names of the tinctures on the bottles or put some labels on it. This is important because it will be easier to see the difference, so you don't need to open each bottle and smell it to find the one you need. I know this from personal experience.

It is best to keep the tinctures in a dark place.

Useing the tinctures

Some tinctures are only used externally for compress or massage and some can also be used for drinking, usually disolved in water or tea.

14. pro 2010.

Common Wood Sorrel

Common Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) has light green leaves and white flowers. Grows in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Common Wood Sorrel is only used fresh. As a tea it helps with: heartburn, liver and digestive disorders, hepatitis B, kidney inflammation, skin rash and worms.
In case of heartburn, liver and digestive disorders drink  2 cups of cooled tea a day.
In case of hepatitis B, kidney inflammation, skin rash and worms drink 2 cups of tea a day.

Making Common Wood Sorrel tea
Pour ½ l of boiled water on 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves, stir and cover. Strain after 30 seconds.

Fresh juice
Folk medicine recommends fresh  Common Wood Sorrel juice for early stages of stomach cancer, cancerous internal and external ulcers and swellings. Wash the leaves and squeeze them or put in a juicer.
Drink every hour 3-5 drops of fresh juice diluted in water or herbal tea. For cancerous external ulcers apply juice directly on ulcers.

Fresh juice also helps with Parkinson's disease, in that case drink every hour 3-5 drops of fresh juice diluted in yarrow tea (Achillea millefolium). For the exteral use massage the spine.

Follow the rules for dosages and dilutions strictly.

13. pro 2010.

Marigold tincture

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) tincture is very good for: wounds, contusions, hematoma, strained muscles, purulent and cancerous ulcers, wounds from long-lying, swellings and acnes.

Tincture needs to be diluted with boiled water and then  put on affected area in form of a compress.

     Making tincture

To make marigold tincture put handful of marigold flowers in a glass jar. Pour alcohol (40%) over it, close it and leave in the sun or near heat source for 14 days. Shake it from time to time. Strain and pour in dark bottles or keep it in a dark place.

10. pro 2010.

Common mallow

Common mallow tea helps with inflammations of the mucus membranes, like: gastritis, inflammation of the bladder mucus, stomach and intestinal canal, oral cavity, gastric ulcer, intestinal ulcer (duodenal ulcer).

It is also recommended for pulmonary and bronchial catarrh, cough, hoarseness, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, dry mouth, pulmonary emphysema, malignant diseases of the throat.

Tea is made from leaves, stems and flowers (it is best to use fresh herb, but dry is also good).
Put 1 teaspoon of herbs in 1 cup of cold water. Leave during the night. In the morning warm it a bit and strain.

In case of malignant diseases of the throat drink 4 cups of tea, sip by sip during the day. Make another 6-8 cups of tea and use it for gargling. Tea used for drinking and gargling can be made and warmed together and put in aThermos bottle. During the night put warm compress on the affected area. Take dregs of tea warm it with little bit of water, add barley flour, mix it together. Put it on a linen cloth and while it's still warm on a the affected area.

Common mallow can be used externally for dry eyes (bath and compress with warm common mallow tea), face allergies (washing with warm tea), for curing wounds and ulcers on the swollen hands and feet when they are consequence of the broken or inflammed veins (bath for hands and feet), broken ankle (bath for feet).

Bath for hands and feet
Put 2 handfuls of common mallow in 5 l of cold water, leave over night. Next day heat it together. Temperature should be hot but not to hot, one thet you can stand.
Bath should last for 20 min, and it can be used again for 2 more times (warm it before use).

For swollen sore feet with wounds  with bath for feet use also fresh plantain (Plantago lanceolata) leaves. Wash the plantain and still wet leaves put on the wound.

9. pro 2010.

Small flowered willow – herb

Small flowered willow – herb (Epilobium parviflorum) is used for diseases and inflammations of the prostate, inflammation and pain in the bladder and kidneys, prostate and bladder cancer.
It is recommended to drink 2 cups of small flowered willow – herb a day, in the morning on empty stomach and in the evening half an hour before diner. Longer  time is necessary if the condition is serious.

To make tea pour 1 cup of boiled water over one teaspoon of tea, stir and cover. After 2 minutes strain it.

8. pro 2010.

Nettle tincture

Nettle tincture is used for better hair growth. It is said that hair grows ticker, softer, without dandruff and with a nice glow. Tincture is massaged into the skin of the head, everyday or often.

Tincture is made from nettle (Urtica dioica) roots put in a glass jar and covered with alcohol (about 40%). Jar is left in a warm place for 14 place, then strained with a strainer or a cloth. Squeeze the roots a bit when straining.
It is made in the spring or automn when the roots are dug out, cleaned and chopped before puting in alcohol.

6. pro 2010.

Shepherd's purse tincture

Take fresh leaves, stems and flowers of shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa – pastoris), cut them into small pieces and put in a glass jar or a bottle. Pour alcohol (about 40%) over to cover the herbs. Close it and leave on the sun or near heat source for 14 days. Shake it from time to time. Strain it and pour into dark bottles.

Shepherd's purse  tincture is used for atrophy of limbs and the muscles, weakness of the anal sphincter muscle, desended uterus, inguinal hernia.         

Use tincture for external massage of painful areas, and drink 4 cups of lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) tea a day.
In case of weakness of the anal sphincter muscle  with the massage and lady's mantle tea, also drink 3 times a day 10 drops of tincture in lady's mantle tea.

It is important to make tincture from fresh herb.

5. pro 2010.

Fresh marigold

Fresh marigold (Calendula officinalis) is used for moles and warts. As a juice or a paste made by squeezing fresh marigold (stems, leaves, flower) and put on  troubled area.
 Another way is to put fresh leaves or flowers or both on the area and wrap it with a bandage or something and leave it over night.

3. pro 2010.

Fresh plantain leaves for wounds

Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) is very good for curing all kinds of wounds (even old), scratches, cutes, wasp stings.

Picke fresh plantain leaves, wash them (if you can), crush and put on the wound. If it is necessary wound can be wraped with bandage, so that the leaves don't fall off.

You can also see post Plantain for blisters.

2. pro 2010.


Marigold tea is used as a remedy for troubles with stomach and bowels; like gastric ulcer, cramps, colon inflammation, etc.
It purifies blood, enhances circulation, heals wounds, is used for liver diseases, diarrhoea. Helps with bacterial infection and virus diseases.

To make tea put one teaspoon of dry marigold (Calendula officinalis) in a cup of boiled water, stir and cover. After 2 minutes strain it, half a minute if the herb is fresh.

Marigold can also be used as a cream, tincture, fresh herb, bath, etc. Cream made from marigold is very useful to have in the house for what ever is necessary (more is said in post Excellent herbal remedy for skin).

1. pro 2010.

Vitamin C and Hip

Hip tea is a very good source of vitamin C. In some cases heat destroys this vitamin, for example if you put lemon in very hot tea. With hip is different because the high temperature of the water doesn't destroy vitamin C.

To make tea put 1 teaspoon of hip (dry, chopped) in a cup of boiled water, stir it and cover. After 10 minutes strain it. You can sweeten it with honey, when the tea is warm, not too hot.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol („bad one“), because of this it is recommended for clogged arteries and cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, etc). It is good in combination with vitamin E.

Vitamin C is also recommended for asthma, bronchitis, infertility in men, cancer, etc. Some studies show that vitamin C prevents the growth of HIV virus.

Paprikas, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, coliflower, strawberries, spinach and citrus fruits are also recommended as a source of vitamin C.

28. stu 2010.

Camomile cream

Camomile cream is good for curing hemorrhoids and wounds, applied externally. For curing hemorrhoids you can also drink camomile (Matricaria chamomilla) tea.
To make camomile cream take 250g of pigs fat. Heat it to the temperature of frying steaks, than add 2 handfuls of fresh camomile flowers. Fry it shortly, stir and remove from fire. Pigs fat foams so be careful. Cover the pan and leave it to cool over night. Next day warm it a bit and strain. When straining press the herbs with something or squeeze them. For straining you can use strainer or cloth or both.
Pigs fat is excellent for making herbal creams becouse skin absorbs it better than artificial creams.

27. stu 2010.

When to pick mistletoe

Time to gather mistletoe is from the begining of October to mid December in the automn, and in the spring in March and April. Stems and leaves are picked and left to dry, some recommend cuting the herbs before drying.
Berries are removed from the plant because they are poisonous if you eat them. In March and April there are less berries because they fell of or birds ate them, so it can be easier to gather mistletoe.
It is best to pick mistletoe from oak and poplar, but it is also good from pines and fruit-tree.
Mistletoe is often used as a Christmas decoration, but it is also a valuable remedy.

26. stu 2010.

St. John's Wort tincture

Put 2 handfuls of St. John's Wort flowers (Hypericum perforatum), picked on a sunny day, into a glass jar and pour over 1l of alcohol (about 40%).
Close the jar and leave it in the sun or near heat source for 3 weeks. Shake it from time to time. Strain after 3 weeks.

Use it for massage or drink it once a day 10 – 15 drops in 1 tablespoon of water.

St. John's Wort tincture is used for neurosis, insomnia, nerve diseases, nerve weakness, inflammation of the nerves.

25. stu 2010.


Mistletoe (Viscum album) is a herbal remedy good for metabolism, diabetes, pancreas, hormonal disorder, epilepsy, chronic cramps, hysteria, typhus, dysentery, preventing cancer and menopausal symptoms.

Mistletoe strengthens the heart and normalizies blood flow, because of this mistletoe is recommended for different heart diseases and troubles with blood flow like troubles with circulation, bleeding in the lungs and bowels, palpitation, different heart troubles, heavy menstrual bleeding, troubles with veins, etc.

It gets blood pressure to normal, high and low, as well as conditions relating to irregular blood pressure (loss of energy, vertigo, etc).

To make tea put one teaspoon of mistletoe (dry stems and leaves) in a cup of cold water, and leave it over night (about 12 hours). In the morning heat it a bit and strain it. It is recommended to drink 1 to 3 cups of mistletoe tea a day, not more.
If you make 2 or 3 cups, in the evening put the tea in water for example 2 teaspoons in 2 cups of water (3in 3), in the morning heat boat cups a bit, strain them and drink one cup. The other you can put in a Thermos for later or heat it a bit before you drink it.

How many cups of tea person needs to drink dependes on how serious the problem is.

24. stu 2010.

Agrimony cream

This cream is very good for varicose veins, used externally.  Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is picked  while it is blooming, from June to August.
Take 250g of pigs fat, warm it to the temparature of frying steaks. Then add 2 handfuls of agrimony (leaves, stems, flowers, cut into small pieces). Fry it shortly, stir and remove from fire. Pigs fat can foam so take big pan and be careful while frying. Cover the pan and leave it to cool over night. Next day warm it a bit and then strain. Pour it while it is warm into small containers.

23. stu 2010.

Marjoram oil

Marjoram oil is made by puting fresh marjoram in a glass jar and pouring olive oil over it to cover the marjoram. Jar is left in a warm place for 10 days, then strained with a strainer or a cloth.

It is best to have extra virgin olive oil becouse of its good quality and fresh marjoram, but if necessary dry marjoram can be used as well.

Marjoram oil is recommended for malignant gland diseases and other gland problems. Oil is used together with crushed plantain leaf, plantain needs to be fresh.
First apply the oil on the troubled area and put crushed plantain on it, wrap it with a bandage. Some say that this helps in a short period of time.

22. stu 2010.

Common speedwell tincture

Tincture is made from common speedwell (Veronica officinalis), picked while it's blooming, and alcohol (about 40%).
Take 2 handfuls of common speedwell (leaves, stems, flowers) and cut it into small pieces. Put it in a glass jar and pour over 1l of alcohol. Cover the jar and leave it in the sun or near heat source. Shake it from time to time. Strain it after 14 days or more.

This tincture is used for rheumatism and painful bones. Rub it on the painful places or drink it 3 times a day 15 drops with litlle bit of water or tea.

21. stu 2010.

Camomile oil

To make this oil you need fresh camomile flowers picked on a sunny day and extra virgin olive oil.
Put the flowers into a glass jar (don't press them). Pour the olive oil over so that it covers the flowers. Close the jar and leave it in the sun for 14 days or near the heat source. Then strain.
Camomile oil is used for neuralgia, paralysis and pain in the limbs.

20. stu 2010.

Comfrey tincture

To make this tincture you need alcohol (about 40%) and comfrey (symphytum officinale) roots. Roots are dug in the spring or autumn. Wash the roots, chop them into small pieces and put in a glass jar (don't press it). Pour alcohol over, so that it covers the roots. Close the jar and leave it in the sun or near the heat source for 14 days. Shake it from time to time. After 14 days strain it.

Comfrey tincture is used as a compress for external and internal wounds and injuries of all kinds, contusions, bone fractures, hematoma.
It is also good for rheumatism and swollen joints. In that case rub the tincture on the painful area.

19. stu 2010.

Camomile steam inhalation

Inhaling camomile can be realy helpful for closed nose. I have used this few times when my nose was closed so I could breathe just through my mouth. Camomile steam melts mucus in the nose, so that you can blow it out, and the airways become clearer.

If you want to try this, first you need to make camomile tea. Put 1 teaspoon of camomile in a cup of boiling water, stir and cover. After 5 minutes strain the tea and put it in a bowl, pot or cup from which you want to inhale. Tea needs to be warm, but not to hot to burn skin or airways.

Put the cup on the table, lean over it and cover your head and cup with towel. Inhale camomile steam for a while (5-10 minutes), blow your nose if you need to. You can repeat this proces (if you want to), with the same tea, reheat it a bit, or make a new one.
Some people even drink this tea after they finish inhaling, this is optional. After inhaling stay inside where is warm, do not go outside if it is cold.

18. stu 2010.


Marjoram as a herbal remedy is used for troubles with stomach, bowles and bile. It also helps with nerve diseases, allergies and cold with coughs.
Marjoram is a well known spice for pasta, potatoes, wine and etc. can be planted in the garden or pot whether you want to use it as a cure or spice. It is rather easy to find and buy its seeds or small plants for planting.

For tea put 1 teaspoon in a cup of boiled water, stir and cover. After 2 minutes (or if you prefer 5 or 10 minutes) strain it. Some people recommend 2 tablespoons to leave for 5 minutes.

17. stu 2010.

Natural tea or tea bags

Natural tea, tea in its original form, is always better than tea in tea bags (filters). Natural tea has more taste (better taste) and I think better effect than the tea in tea bags.
Many people are used to drinking tea from tea bags, because it seems easier or just don't know otherwise. I was one of those people and it was something new to me that you can put dry leaves that you picked or bought in boiling water and make tea.
Making tea from cut herbs may seem more work but once you get used to this proces it realy is easy and better. Herbs have better quality than in tea bags where sometimes you can find just herb dust.
If you make tea often, you don't need to wash your equipment every time you use it, just rinse it under water and leave it for next time. Try original tea and see the difference.

15. stu 2010.

Walnut tincture

Tincture made from green walnuts (Juglans regia) purifies stomach, liver and blood.
It also removes stomach weakness and it's good for bowles and against blood thickening.

Drink 1 teaspoon of walnut tincture when necessary.

To make tincture, take about 20 green walnuts (picked around mid June), cut them into quarters and put in a glass jar. Pour 1l of alcohol (about 40%) over, so that alcohol comes about 5 cm above nuts.

Close the jar and leave it in the sun or warm place for 14 days or 4 weeks. Shake it sometimes. Then strain and pour into bottles.

This is a recepie from Maria Treben.

13. stu 2010.

Camomile for relaxing

Camomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is very soothing for nervous system. If you are anxious, feeling bad or just want to relax drink cup or more camomile tea and soon you will feel better.

Because it calms nerves, camomile works wonderful if you have trouble with sleeping.
I like to drink a cup of camomile few hours before going to bed. Works fantastic, helps me to sleep better, to have nicer dreams and to wake up more rested.

To make tea put 1 teaspoon of camomile in 1 cup of boiled water, stir it, cover and leave for 2 minutes, then strain. Enjoj!

12. stu 2010.

Mistletoe for regulating blood pressure

Mistletoe tea regulates low and high blood pressure. Mistletoe (Viscum album) balances blood pressure to normal. Food and medication used to lower blood pressure usually aren't good for rising, and other way around.
Mistletoe isn't such medication, becouse it helps in both cases.

To make tea put one teaspoon of dry mistletoe (stems and leaves) in a cup of cold water over night (about 12 hours). In the morning heat a bit and strain it.
It is recommended to drink one to three cups a day, not more, depending on how serious the problem is. If you make more cups of tea keep it in a termos or heat it a bit before you drink it.

People with high blood pressure should drink more water, 2 liters a day, couse often they don't even drink water or drink small amounts and just drinking water can help them. Someone who usually doesn't drink water or has heart condition should slowly increase amount of water they drink. 
People with low blood pressure should take some salt, few times a day to get their pressure up. Salt is necessary for the body, to function properly (in normal amounts).

11. stu 2010.

Little herbal bags

Herbal bags made from lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaves or lavender flowers, put under the pillow or by the bed, are soothing and relaxing. Mostly becouse of theire essential oils, who act through respiratory system, inhaling.
If you are making it yourself, make a small cloth bag, what ever size you like (for  example 5 x 10 cm), put dry herbs in it and close the bag, with a ribbon or sew it.
Lavender bags are easy to find if you want to buy one, they are often used against moths in closets and usually are very cheap.

10. stu 2010.


Mint (Menta spicata) enhances digestion, is very good for intestinal cramps and gases.
Activates mind, makes thoughts clearer.
Mint is a good antiseptic. Soothes tooth ache and headache.

People who suffer from insomnia or very irritable persons should be careful when useing this remedy.

9. stu 2010.

Blackberry – herbal remedy

Blackberry is a tasty fruit, but it also has curative properties. Tea made from blackberry leaves, roots and fruit is used as a herbal remedy for inflamed tonsils, craw and wounds in the throat for gargling, it refreshes and tightenes.
Tea made from  blackberry leaves is used to relieve troubles with urination and digestion. Blackberry purifies blood.

Tea from blackberry leaves is very effective for inflamed appendix, to cure the infection. For this, tea is made from fresh leaves, put one teaspoon (1 leaf) in a cup of boiled water, stir it, cover and after half a minute strain it.
Once I felt slight pain in my lower abdomen on the right side where the appendix is located, I went outside, picked a blackberry leaf and made tea. I'm not even sure if I had such inflammation, but the pain went away, very quickly. Now when I see blackberry thorney stems and leaves, I remember this good properties.

8. stu 2010.

Common Knotgrass - herbal remedy

Common Knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare) as a herbal medicine is used for diseases of urinary system, kidney stones, diabetes, epilepsy, gastric ulcer, diarrhoea and blood flow.

Whole plant without roots is gathered while the plant is in bloom.

To make tea put one teaspoon of dry herb in a cup of boiling water, stir it and leave it covered. After 2 minutes strain it, some people recommend longer time 5, 10 minutes or even more, to leave it in boiling water, if you want to use it you can decide for yourself what is best for you.

7. stu 2010.

Drying and keeping herbs

If you want to preserve herbs, you need to dry them. So that you can use them all year. Herbs can be dried outside but allways in the shadow or inside where it's aired and warm, away from heat source and sun.
Spread herbs in thin layer on cloth or clean paper (not printed or colored). I don't cut herbs before drying, some people do, they cut it in small pieces. To me, it seems better to cut them when they are dry because fresh herbs  leak their juice when they are cut. But which method is actually better I don't know.
If you need only leaves but you have picked them with stems, you can remove leaves from stems , drying will be faster.
Don't wash herbs before drying, only roots need to be washed.
Roots, peel and very juicy parts can be dried with the help of heat source, but temparature must not go over 350C. It is good to cut them in small pieces before drying, they will dry faster.

Best way to keep herbs is to put them in paper bags, cardboard boxes or glass jars, avoid plastic and metal. Herbs should be kept away from light. I make little paper bag from clean paper, put dried herb in it, write it's name and year of picking on the bag and then I put that and other bags with herbs in larger cloth bag. I keep it in storage where it is cooler, some herbs that I use more often I keep in kitchen cupboard.

Don't gather to much herbs, because they loose their cureing properties after some time. It is best to keep them just for one year.

5. stu 2010.

Rules for gathering herbs

First and most important rule is knowing herbs. Study their photos, drawings and characteristics, or ask someone who knows. Always be sure that you have the right herb before you use it.

Second rule is finding place (from which you will gather) that is away from any pollution. Away from roads, polluted waters and industry, etc. Place which is not treated with pesticides or artificial fertilizers.

Ideal conditions for gathering are on sunny day, when herbs are dry. Herbs should be healthy, clean and without bugs.

While you are gathering herbs don't pull their roots. Don't put them in plastic bags, and never press them.

Best time to gather flowers is in the beginning of flowering, leaves before and while the herbs are flowering. Roots are gathered in the early spring or autumn, and fruits when they are ripe.

4. stu 2010.

About rosemary

Rosemary is an old folk medicine for improving memory. It is used for curing vertigo, cough and illness of respiratory tract. Rosemary can help deactivate cancerougenus. It stimulates passing of urine and blood flow, and  is used for water illness, rheumatism, giht and inflamed joints.
Stimulates releasing bile, becouse of this digestion and bowel emptying is easier.

Rosemary acts soothing, its characteristic sent is relaxing and is used for good mood.
As a part of an old tradition in some countries, like Croatia, rosemary stems with little ribbons on them are put on wedding guests as a decoration, what means that they are part of the wedding group.Guests can sense its lovely aroma and I am sure that it puts them in a good mood, at least it is one way of achieving good mood.

Can be used if someone is feeling weak, tired and stressed after hard work or exercize.
Also rosemary is a good tonic for all skin types, especially for dehydrated, aged or unpure skin.

Rosemary is often used in cooking, I like it especially with fish.

3. stu 2010.

Comfrey cream

Cream from comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is good for curing wounds for humans and animals.
To make this cream you need 4-6 fresh roots of comfrey (washed) and 250g of pigs fat.
Cut roots into small pieces and fry it shortly in pigs fat, leave it during night. Next day warm it and strain trough cloth. Pour into small containers and keep in the refrigerator.

2. stu 2010.

Lime tea

Lime is an excellent remedy for respiratory system during cold, for chronic cough, it relaxes nerves, good for sleep, helps with anemia, purifies blood and kidneys.
I drink lime tea when I have sore throat. To make tea put one teaspoon of lime flowers in one cup of boiled water, keep it covered for 10 minutes, strain and sweeten with honey.
Lime tea is very tasteful and nice smelling, so it is nice to drink it even if you are not ill.

1. stu 2010.

Marigold in the garden

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) is very easy to plant in the garden, whether you want to use it as a herbal remedy or just to admire it. Seeing its lovely yellow flowers every day from my window is a remedy by itself.

Marigold grows almost wildly in my garden, it spread its seeds and in the  spring starts to grow everywhere throughout the garden and beyond. It grows mixed with vegetable to protect them from bugs who want to eat them.

From spring to late automn I have a fresh supply of marigold, if I need it to make marigold cream, oil, pick fresh leaves or to dry them.

Can be grown from seeds or plants. Some seeds that can be bought have more decorative then curative properties. Old types are the best and very resistant, when planted one year, next year they grow by themselves. One plant can grow as a small bush.

Even when clouds cover the sky, marigold flowers look full of sun.

30. lis 2010.

Plantain for blisters

Plantain (Plantago lanceolata) is a useful herbal remedy for blisters. Fresh plantain leaves put on blisters in shoes help a lot, especially when you walk a lot and aren't home, so that you can take off your shoes. Leaves help to relieve pain and discomfort.

Plantain helped me few times, one time I wore new shoes to a wedding and got a hurtful blister, so I picked a plantain leaf and put it on a blister. Leaf moisturize hurt area and makes a small buffer so that the blister doesn't keep rubbing the shoe that hard.

To implement this remedy one needs to know how this herb looks. There are male and female plants, they like to be stepped on so they usually grow on paths, but also can be found on meadows.

29. lis 2010.


I've been useing herbs like remedies for a while now. In that time I have learned much about them, and I've gained confidence in myselfe and in God, Universe, Mother Nature, The Force, call it whatever.

It is really interesting how plants, that grow all around us, ordinary plants which we don't even notice, can help with many conditions and diseases.
A little bit of herbs, a cup of hot water and there you go, you have nice, tasty and curative tea.

Excellent proof have we are all connected, and have the answers are everywhere is when you find a plant on some meadow, you picke it and dry and then if necessary use it.

I don't have anything against bought herbs, I use them also. That is much easier and better if you don't recognize plants or if you can't find the one you need.
But it is much more exciting to gather them yourself. Just imagine a beautiful day, sun is high on the incredible blu sky, you are walking through fields and meadows, picking herbs in a little basket.
Isn't that nice? It's  useful and in the same time it is fitness and antistress.

This also connects you with nature and with yourself. You don't feel helpless, couse their is cure for everything.

28. lis 2010.

Picking hip

Leaves are falling, but there is still time to pick hip, and to make yourself a nice stash of hip tea for the winter.
 I went the other day, the sun was shining, sky was blue and hips very red, a nice day to pick hips. It was a nice walk too, in this lovely automn weather, 2 in 1, maybe even more.

Hip is now just right, firm and red, so a picked some for tea, they wouldn't go down easy I poke myself a few times on its thornes, but it's nothing serious just to make it interesting.

If you are not familiar hip is the fruit of wild rose (Dog Rose), it growes wild in nature, mostly where people don't work on theire land, by the road, on the edge of a forest, or where ever it can. For tea they are picked in automn (dependes on the weather) when they are firm, softer ones are used for making marmelade.
When picked hips need to be cut into smaller pieces (chopped), I use the machine for mincing meat. Then put on clear paper (not printed) to dry, usually  in a warm place in the house, takes a few days. I keep it on top of the kitchen cupboards.  When dry keep it in a paper bag ( glass jar, cloth) and you have your one hip tea good especially for the winter.

I like to pick hips for tea couse then I know where it's gathered, away from roads, people who use pesticide. Also I have a lot of tea, sometimes even more then I can use in a year, but even after a year they are still good, change a colour a bit.

Hip tea is full of vitamin C, good for cold and very tasty sweetened with honey or plane.